Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wilderness within religious text

I'll have to admit, that I am not a religious person in any way. I didn't grow up surrounded by religion so I'm not as familiar with it as some people may be. I've never read the Bible and I only really know what I learn in school. With that in mind, I struggle with religious text and have a time with prompts like these. I do have to say, from what I do know and have so far read, it seems like wilderness is almost a negative. One story that comes to find is Adam and Eve. I only know the basic story line and I may be missing something, but Eve was punished for reaching out for the apple. I know that she wasn't supposed to touch it though. Also in Rowlandson's captivity story, she seems to give wilderness a negative view too. She associates Indians with the term heathens. She thinks the way they like is absolutely barbaric. It's understandable with the way she was treated, but that seems to be a common theme among Rowlandson's people. They don't respect the Indians or anything they do. They prefer the structure of their towns and laws. They fear the unknown, which is the wilderness. That's completely different than how I view wilderness. It's the opposite from the freedom and peace that I associate with wilderness.

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