Monday, October 8, 2012

Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge

In the story of "The Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge", you see aspects of wilderness as Peyton Farquhar attempts to escape. We find out he's not really attempting to escape because it's really just a daydream all along though. During the daydream though, you see the water that he falls into to escape. He falls into the water and everything is dark.Then he sees a light. "He opened his eyes in the darkness and saw above him a gleam of light but how distant, how inaccessible"(3). While everything else is dark and gloomy, the wilderness is light and holds hope for him. After he manages to escape the water, he goes into the forest. Once he gets through the forest, he gets to his ultimate goal. The forest leads him to his family, which was the only thing he wanted. "All is as he left it, and all bright and beautiful in the morning sunshine. He must have traveled the entire night. As he pushes open the gate and passes up the wide white walk, he sees flutter of female garments; his wife, looking fresh and cool and sweet, steps down from the veranda to meet him"(6). Again is that light from the wilderness. The wilderness for him holds freedom. It matches up perfectly with my definition. The wilderness doesn't hold him back. It's when he is surrounded by man made objects that he is held back.

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