Sunday, May 5, 2013

Wow, the power of words

Before I continue this specific post, I just want to give a heads up that the rest of my blog posts are probably going to comprise of talk about the readings we did in the last few weeks of class. I feel like I may not have discussed much of the literature we read earlier in the semester, but I just really connected with the last few weeks worth of studying.

Now back to the discussion of the literature. I'm dedicating this post to the poem by Gwendolyn Brooks called "the mother." This isn't a poem that we were technically assigned to read, but we discussed it in class and it really stuck with me.
I could probably sum up everything but these few words: wow, that's powerful. That's a simple statement but it's so true.This is a subject barely anyone will talk about, mainly for the fact that it's controversial and people are extremely passionate about whatever side he/she chooses to take. Most people aren't willing to change his/her opinion, no matter what that side is. This subject is abortion and Brooks takes the viewpoint of a woman who has had multiple abortions. This is such a extreme topic, especially for the fact that barely anyone talks about it. Abortion is one of those things that every person has an opinion, but most people choose not to share it. There's also the fact that is a more unfavorable opinion that some people don't kindly do. That opinion would be what we call "pro-choice."
While this poem doesn't necessarily take a pro-choice standpoint, it takes the view of someone who has had an abortion. A person doesn't understand how hard an abortion is to have until it happens to that person. It's easy for to give a woman crap for her choice to have an abortion when a person has never been in a situation where abortion was a possibility. When a person discovers the fact that a woman had an abortion, he/she can't get over the fact that the woman ended a baby's life. Yes, that's true, but that decision is not easy for any woman and a woman has her reasons for the abortion. No one ever thinks of the fact that the woman who had an abortion actually cared for the baby she was carrying inside her. That never seems to matter to anyone. But this poem takes a look at the case of a woman who has to get an abortion and her feelings towards it. Like I mentioned earlier, it is so powerful. This poem takes a step back from what actually happens in an abortion and takes a look at the emotion behind it. This woman in the poem loved all the children very much, but whatever reason was not able to have the children.
I find it kind of hard to accurately describe this poem or even come up with a response for it with words. All I can say over and over is how powerful it is. I guess it leaves me speechless a bit. This poem gives us a perspective that we didn't have before. It gives us a look into an experience most of us have never had before and feelings hopefully most of us will not have to experience.

Friday, May 3, 2013

There's More to a Pretty Face

Unlike most of my class it seemed, I enjoyed Blanche's character in A Streercar Named Desire. Maybe it was because I studied in character more in depth than most people in the class did. You had to look into her character and individually look at her actions and match those up with her stories that she tells. You have to follow the connections to really understand her and that's what makes it beautiful.
Blanche is extremely misunderstood. On the outside, most people did not like her character because she was ditzy and quite the drama queen. If you look further, you will find a really hurt woman who has no place in the world. Blanche has literally lost everything in her life. Her parents died, she lost the property she grew up on, her finance died very young after she found out he was gay, her sister moved away, and she lost her job. That is a lot for any person to handle, so can you really blame her for being a bit crazy? That woman has been through hell and back. Not to mention, she is homeless with no person in the world to care for her. We choose to fill our voids in different ways, and no one has any right to judge her for the way she chose to fill hers.
People just take her character face value and the way she acts. One doesn't ever stop to think about why she acts the way that she does.
It seems that I've abandoned this blog quite a lot through the semester, and I can honestly say I regret it a bit. Now it is the end of semester and we will no longer be meeting in class and I feel like I have so much more to say. 
As I was going to sleep the other night, I couldn't help but to think about how much I will miss this class. It was amazing to be able to share thoughts and opinions with other classmates, regardless if everyone shared the same thoughts, and have it respected and given consideration. That is not something you find easily in the adult world. 
I also thought about how much of an impact that class had on me. This is my first year from college, and it was also my first year away from home. I just moved to Dayton in August, and all my family lives closer to Cleveland. Needless to say, this year was a little rough for me as I transitioned into the adult world. There were often times this semester that I would lose my way and I would lose sight for what I was trying to achieve. My education often fell behind, while what I thought were more important things took more of my focus and energy. It took me quite a while to pull myself back in and remind myself that education means everything to me. Most my passion comes from learning and intelligent conversations. In our world now, that isn't something that always happens frequently. It wasn't until this class was over, that I realized just how much I was getting from the class. My other classes didn't have that stimulating conversation and thought provoking material. It was mostly just classes for the grade and that was all my peers cared about in those classes. But as I reflect back on this class, I cherish it so much. And it made me realize that English is the perfect degree for me to seek because I surround myself with the same essence that I received from this class.
So now I am here, realizing that I have so much to say. Of course, throughout the day there will be multiple blog posts from me. There is also a good chance that I will continue this blog, because like Christina said in her presentation, we all have a voice and I often feel like I have something to say.
I realize now that I'm rambling, so in short I just want to thank all my classmates so much for a great semester. I gained so much from this class and I hope all of you did. And honestly, I hope a lot of you continue with your blogs because you all have wonderful things to say as well. I really enjoy reading your posts, especially when you connect to your own life. It's amazing how literature connects us all.